In designing with sustainable materials many notions, potentialities and critical issues are not yet fully understood. Moreover the identity of these materials is not defined yet and this generates confusion and contradictions. After paying attention on the state-of-the-art, we tried to translate the relationship between sustainable plastics-perception-CMF design into databases useful for the design process. The data collection allowed to create detailed profiles of 25 selected materials, the starting database for SMaPT, Sustainable Materials and Perception Tool. This tool allows you to select sustainable materials through images and keywords, previously assigned to each material. In fact each sample in the database has its own data sheet that contains both technical information and guidelines on its perception and on possible finishes and colors. The final result is therefore not only the choice of a specific material for the project, but also an inspirational moodboard.

Lia Sossini
Barbara Del Curto
Academic Year: