H8 is a mechanical roll paper dispenser designed to improve the ordinary maintenance’s effectiveness and the user experience, fitting with specific needs related in particular to public bathrooms with high affluence. The perpendicular delivery of the paper helps to avoid the main misuse, ensuring a simpler and more satisfying user experience. The double roll storage with the auto-feed mechanism increases 2 or 3 times the duration of the paper supply reducing the frequency of the refill.


Michele Carboni
Paolo Faraldi
Matteo Ingaramo
Margherita Pillan
Barbara Previtali

Academic Year


Patents, awards, etc

3 patent pending on autocut mechanism, autofeed mechanism and breaking mechanism. The dispenser is actually at the end of engineering phase and will go in production for the end of april.

Publications, events

Prototipe showed at ISSA interclean in Amsterdam.


QTS Italy.